
Website Usability

Check Dog - Free website spell checking tool (FT)

Cloudflare - Tools for protecting and accelerating your website (F)

Crazy Egg - Visualize your visitors (FT)

Cross Browser Testing - Test your site across multiple browsers. (FT)

Hubspot - Website SEO Score (FT)

Loginradius -  Manages your website registration process, keeps your customer data secure, and integrates seamlessly with your other business tools  (FT)

Pingdom - Free website speed test  (FT)

Sentry - Password protection website member login system for website creation tools like weebly, yola etc. (FT)

Session Cam - Replay a visitor's journey on a web site 

Uptime Robot - Monitor your websites uptime for free (F)

Usability Hub -  Each test helps you to answer different questions about your design

UXCam - Fix user experience issues before your users find them by watching videos of your users interacting with your app

Walk Me -  Interactive online help system for websites (F)

Website Speed Test - Instantly test your website speed (F)

Websites that suck - But You Can Learn Something From Them (F)

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